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Nariz de cera

anotações e apontamentos que dizem tudo - de, por e para mim - por si mesmos.

Nariz de cera

anotações e apontamentos que dizem tudo - de, por e para mim - por si mesmos.

província retangular


So when I got back and saw that he was so sorry, I told him that, the business about this being a class thing, very calmly, and do you know? We must have talked for two hours straight, we just talked and talked, and he said he was kind of a peasant too, and that's why he was so sensitive about people being provincial, because all his life he had deep down felt provincial, and he didn't want to be. He said, I'm a snob Olive, and I'm not proud of that. 

Elizabeth Strout – Olive, Again (2019)
Penguin Random House UK (2019)

Clero, Nobreza e Povo, Vila Velha do Cu de Judas
Cartoon de João Abel Manta, Lisboa, 1970 (c.), Portugal.





Olive was furious. "I don't fly first-class," she said.

Jack had laughed. "You don't fly anywhere," he said, and that made her angrier.

"I'm not flying first-class. It's obscene."

"Obscene?" Jack sat down at the kitchen table and watched her, still with amusement in his face. "I like obscene." When she didn't answer him he said, "You know what, Olive? You're a snob."

"I'm the opposite of a snob."

Jack laughed a long time. "You think being a reverse snob is not being a snob? Olive, you're a snob." Then he leaned forward and said, "Oh come on, Olive. For Christ's sake. I'm seventy-eight years old, I have money, you have money - though, yes 


Elizabeth Strout – Olive, Again (2019)
Penguin Random House UK (2019)