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Nariz de cera

anotações e apontamentos que dizem tudo - de, por e para mim - por si mesmos.

anotações e apontamentos que dizem tudo - de, por e para mim - por si mesmos.

Nariz de cera




he kept thinking of his wife, Betsy, and he wanted to howl. He understood only this: that he deserved all of it. He deserved the fact that right now he wore a pad in his underwear because of prostate surgery, he deserved it; he deserved his daughter not wanting to speak to him because for years he had not wanted to speak to her - she was gay; she was a gay woman, and this still made a small wave of uneasiness move through him. Betsy, though, did not deserve to be dead. He deserved to be dead, but Betsy did not deserve that status [...] 

When his wife was dying, she was the one who was furious. She said, "I hate you." And he said, " I don't blame you." She said, "Oh, stop it." But he had meant it - how could he blame her? He could not blame her. And the last thing she said to him was: "I hate you because I'm going to die and you're going to live."

As he glanced up a seagull, he thought, But I'm not living, Betsy. What a terrible joke it has been. 


Elizabeth Strout – Olive, Again (2019)
Penguin Random House UK (2019)




¿Quién diría que en un día Mueren años?


"Listen, Cassie," Jack said, "I just wanted to say I know I'm a shit. I know that. Just so you know. I know that I'm a shit.

[...] "What am I supposed to say?"

"Nothing," he answered agreeably. "Nothing to say to that. But I just wanted you to know I know."


Elizabeth Strout – Olive, Again (2019)
Penguin Random House UK (2019)







essa paixão árida que não canta 

mas vibra seca no papel incerta 


Quem detém os olhos? Quem vê o curso

do vento nas palavras?

E as flechas que por vezes se desfazem?



Tudo o que o poema faz desfaz


Mas sustenta a ferida 

nas margens mais distantes 

da distância 

na insensata esperança

no abismo 


Tu beijas aqui a dança e o desastre 



António Ramos Rosa in  O INCERTO EXACTO  - Obra Poética I

Assírio & Alvim (2018)




reverso da data


(...) não devemos dar por sanado o que

Não tem remédio. E devemos dar por evidente

O que não se sabe?



Maria Gabriela Llansol - O Começo de Um Livro É Precioso
Assírio & Alvim (outubro 2003)




Tout le monde sait comment on fait les bébés
Mais personne sait comment on fait des papas



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